Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The drawings...

When I got the drawing copies from CMU, they were legible. Some of them, barely. The majority of the drawings are 'scaled': 1/4" = 1'; 3/4" = 1'. I borrowed an architect's scale from a friend and proceeded with the project. Do the slab 1st since that was what the house rests on. OK. Measure. Measure. Measure. Done. Let's lay the block. Measure. Measure. Measure. Block is done. Let's marry the block to the slab. Oops. They don't match. Go back and re-measure. Dimensions are OK. Why don't they meet? It finally dawns on me... there's 'creep' in the copies horizontally because these drawings are copies of copies of copies. At least 3rd generation. Crap!

Upon further inspection of the drawings, Mr. Wright states that the house is to be laid out on a grid of 4'4". In addition, he's kind enough to supply the grid... A-Z on the horizontal; 1-10 on the vertical. Yikes! I'm reduced to having to work from a grid in addition to the fact that everything is 'scaled' not dimensioned. Right now I'm imagining what the builders went through building this place. So, I make myself a chart: 'A' on the grid is 0'0"; B is 4'4"; C is 8'8"... and so on. I got an architect's feet/inches app for my iPhone so I could do the conversions. So if I had a dimension of grid 'G' plus 4", I had to calculate that 'G' was 26'0" and add 4" to get 26'4". It worked.

So that is how I've tackled that problem. Time to move forward.

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